Seattle bus journey times

You want to take the bus to get to Pike Place Market by around 9am. How long will the bus journey take, include transfers? This map shows the answer. Use it to help decide where to live in Seattle, if downtown and public transport are important to you.

The following map is for arriving at the Overlake Transit Center by around 9am on a weekday. Montlake Terrace is the only place in Seattle with a short commute to Microsoft.

Technical note: this is a mash-up using Microsoft's I picked 20,000 random coordinates around Seattle and used to find the street address or intersection closest to that coordinate. I fed each address or intersection into King County Metro Online and asked it for the shortest bus journey to arrive at the destination by 9am on Monday 19th March 2007. These charts show the duration of that journey, from the time you board the first bus until the time you arrive at the destination. It took about 5 hours and $100 with to retreive the 20,000 addresses, and a further 6 hours with Metro Online to retrieve travel times. It's for this reason that I only offer pre-computed maps to the public, rather than a dynamically generated mash-up. by Lucian Wischik