Smoked fish tart

Tags: waiting, starter
This tart is not as wobbly as some, as it has a substantial amount of filling. The various smoked flavours of the fish are quite sensational partnered with the hint of piquancy in the gherkins and capers.
. Serves 4-6. 19 steps
pastry Scatter fish in pastry case, then capers and gherkins, then pour in cream. Cook in moderately slow oven 30-35 minutes or unti surface is golden brown and centre is firm. Rest 10 minutes, then remove from tin.
110g flour sift crumble Mix to a smooth dough. Wrap, refrigerate 30 minutes. Roll as thinly as possible. Line 19cm quiche tin, avoiding too much stretching. Brush with egg. Prick with a fork. Bake 20-25 minutes or until crisp and golden.
50g butter softened
25g parmesan grated   mix in
cold water   sprinkle in
1 egg beaten
250g smoked salmon trimmings
225g smoked haddock fillet Place in saucepan, bring to simmer, cover, poach gently 2 minutes. drain fish flake
110g kipper fillet
bay leaf
pinch ground mace
55ml milk heat milk mix, heat until simmering stir well
200ml creme fraiche
1 egg white beat
3 egg yolks
ground nutmeg
1 tablespoon capers rinse, drain
2 gherkins chop