Moro, 34 Exmouth Market, London
200g unbleached strong white bread flour Mix Pour liquid in a bit at a time, squelching lumps as they appear. Transfer to floured surface, knead well 5 minutes until ever so slightly tacky, and elastic, smooth and soft. Set aside 45 minutes on a floured surface, covered by a cloth. Divide into four, roll into balls, gently roll until 3-5mm thick, to make circles 15-20cm in diameter. Place on flat, oiled baking tray, bake 5-10 minutes in a very hot oven. Should partially bubble up and colour, but not be totally crisp.
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/3 teaspoon dried yeast   Dissolve
170ml tepid water
1 tablespoon olive oil   Pour in
You can lightly oil the top and sprinkle with thyme, sacoury, sesame seeds, nigella, zahtar, or other dried spices.
Make sure it doesn't get too crisp!