
Aberdeen University, The Legend Continues

Not content with one degree from this venerable institution, I’m back. Unlike Chuck Norris in Delta Force 2, I cannot boast a better storyline, unbelievable supporting actors, and stupid plot devices. I can, however, boast the title of “Mature Student”. In name only.

Aberdeen University

I did my first degree here, spending 2-ish years doing various medical-science related subjects, such as anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, cutting up dead people, biochemistry, genetics, biochemistry, and some more biochemistry.

Ampleforth College, near York

I did my A-levels at Ampleforth, studying English, Biology and Chemistry. But far more than this, the monks at Ampleforth taught valuable skills that will stay with me for the rest of my life; most notably, wine tasting. And I have the wine society tie as proof.

The Leys School, Cambridge

Just to prove that I have gone beyond the first letter of the alphabet: this is where I did my GCSEs.

And the rest?

Give me some time — I've only had since 1980! But watch out for: Marcus the Diplomat, Marcus the Lawyer, Marcus the Military Intelligence Officer, Marcus the Tidy... well, maybe not the last one.

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