(c) 2002 Lucian Wischik. This code is free, and anyone can do with it whatever they like (except sell it or claim ownership).
This code is concerned with making a hyperlinked control in a dialog, in a plain C++ Windows API application, without having to use a framework class like MFC/ATL and without having any extra DLLs or OCXs. It offers a single simple routine, SetDlgItemUrl(...), which makes a static text control turn blue and underlined and have a hand-shaped cursor, and when the user clicks on it then the URL will be opened.
The example code consists of a single function, written in C++. I use it as a unit (seturl.cpp) added to my own project. This I wrote it under Visual Studio .NET, but it should work on most compilers without too much fuss.
Suppose you have created a dialog, and it has a static text control in it with a particular ID. Then just add this code to your dialog proc:
// We'll prototype the functio here -- there's only a single function, // so it's hardly worth creating a header file for it. void SetDlgItemUrl(HWND hdlg,int id,const char *url); BOOL CALLBACK MyDlgProc(HWND hdlg,UINT msg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { SetDlgItemUrl(hdlg,IDC_URL,"http://www.wischik.com/lu/programmer/"); return TRUE; } case WM_COMMAND: { int id=LOWORD(wParam); if (id==IDOK || id==IDCANCEL) {EndDialog(hdlg,id); return TRUE;} } break; } return FALSE; }
#define STRICT #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <windows.h> #include <shellapi.h> // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SetDlgItemUrl(hwnd,IDC_MYSTATIC,"http://www.wischik.com/lu"); // This routine turns a dialog's static text control into an underlined hyperlink. // You can call it in your WM_INITDIALOG, or anywhere. // It will also set the text of the control... if you want to change the text // back, you can just call SetDlgItemText() afterwards. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetDlgItemUrl(HWND hdlg,int id,const char *url); // Implementation notes: // We have to subclass both the static control (to set its cursor, to respond to click) // and the dialog procedure (to set the font of the static control). Here are the two // subclasses: LRESULT CALLBACK UrlCtlProc(HWND hwnd,UINT msg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); LRESULT CALLBACK UrlDlgProc(HWND hwnd,UINT msg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); // When the user calls SetDlgItemUrl, then the static-control-subclass is added // if it wasn't already there, and the dialog-subclass is added if it wasn't // already there. Both subclasses are removed in response to their respective // WM_DESTROY messages. Also, each subclass stores a property in its window, // which is a HGLOBAL handle to a GlobalAlloc'd structure: typedef struct {char *url; WNDPROC oldproc; HFONT hf; HBRUSH hb;} TUrlData; // I'm a miser and only defined a single structure, which is used by both // the control-subclass and the dialog-subclass. Both of them use 'oldproc' of course. // The control-subclass only uses 'url' (in response to WM_LBUTTONDOWN), // and the dialog-subclass only uses 'hf' and 'hb' (in response to WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC) // There is one sneaky thing to note. We create our underlined font *lazily*. // Initially, hf is just NULL. But the first time the subclassed dialog received // WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC, we sneak a peak at the font that was going to be used for // the control, and we create our own copy of it but including the underline style. // This way our code works fine on dialogs of any font. // SetDlgItemUrl: this is the routine that sets up the subclassing. void SetDlgItemUrl(HWND hdlg,int id,const char *url) { // nb. vc7 has crummy warnings about 32/64bit. My code's perfect! That's why I hide the warnings. #pragma warning( push ) #pragma warning( disable: 4312 4244 ) // First we'll subclass the edit control HWND hctl = GetDlgItem(hdlg,id); SetWindowText(hctl,url); HGLOBAL hold = (HGLOBAL)GetProp(hctl,"href_dat"); if (hold!=NULL) // if it had been subclassed before, we merely need to tell it the new url { TUrlData *ud = (TUrlData*)GlobalLock(hold); delete[] ud->url; ud->url=new char[strlen(url)+1]; strcpy(ud->url,url); } else { HGLOBAL hglob = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE,sizeof(TUrlData)); TUrlData *ud = (TUrlData*)GlobalLock(hglob); ud->oldproc = (WNDPROC)GetWindowLongPtr(hctl,GWLP_WNDPROC); ud->url=new char[strlen(url)+1]; strcpy(ud->url,url); ud->hf=0; ud->hb=0; GlobalUnlock(hglob); SetProp(hctl,"href_dat",hglob); SetWindowLongPtr(hctl,GWLP_WNDPROC,(LONG_PTR)UrlCtlProc); } // // Second we subclass the dialog hold = (HGLOBAL)GetProp(hdlg,"href_dlg"); if (hold==NULL) { HGLOBAL hglob = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE,sizeof(TUrlData)); TUrlData *ud = (TUrlData*)GlobalLock(hglob); ud->url=0; ud->oldproc = (WNDPROC)GetWindowLongPtr(hdlg,GWLP_WNDPROC); ud->hb=CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE)); ud->hf=0; // the font will be created lazilly, the first time WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC gets called GlobalUnlock(hglob); SetProp(hdlg,"href_dlg",hglob); SetWindowLongPtr(hdlg,GWLP_WNDPROC,(LONG_PTR)UrlDlgProc); } #pragma warning( pop ) } // UrlCtlProc: this is the subclass procedure for the static control LRESULT CALLBACK UrlCtlProc(HWND hwnd,UINT msg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { HGLOBAL hglob = (HGLOBAL)GetProp(hwnd,"href_dat"); if (hglob==NULL) return DefWindowProc(hwnd,msg,wParam,lParam); TUrlData *oud=(TUrlData*)GlobalLock(hglob); TUrlData ud=*oud; GlobalUnlock(hglob); // I made a copy of the structure just so I could GlobalUnlock it now, to be more local in my code switch (msg) { case WM_DESTROY: { RemoveProp(hwnd,"href_dat"); GlobalFree(hglob); if (ud.url!=0) delete[] ud.url; // nb. remember that ud.url is just a pointer to a memory block. It might look weird // for us to delete ud.url instead of oud->url, but they're both equivalent. } break; case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: { HWND hdlg=GetParent(hwnd); if (hdlg==0) hdlg=hwnd; ShellExecute(hdlg,"open",ud.url,NULL,NULL,SW_SHOWNORMAL); } break; case WM_SETCURSOR: { SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_HAND))); return TRUE; } case WM_NCHITTEST: { return HTCLIENT; // because normally a static returns HTTRANSPARENT, so disabling WM_SETCURSOR } } return CallWindowProc(ud.oldproc,hwnd,msg,wParam,lParam); } // UrlDlgProc: this is the subclass procedure for the dialog LRESULT CALLBACK UrlDlgProc(HWND hwnd,UINT msg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { HGLOBAL hglob = (HGLOBAL)GetProp(hwnd,"href_dlg"); if (hglob==NULL) return DefWindowProc(hwnd,msg,wParam,lParam); TUrlData *oud=(TUrlData*)GlobalLock(hglob); TUrlData ud=*oud; GlobalUnlock(hglob); switch (msg) { case WM_DESTROY: { RemoveProp(hwnd,"href_dlg"); GlobalFree(hglob); if (ud.hb!=0) DeleteObject(ud.hb); if (ud.hf!=0) DeleteObject(ud.hf); } break; case WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC: { HDC hdc=(HDC)wParam; HWND hctl=(HWND)lParam; // To check whether to handle this control, we look for its subclassed property! HANDLE hprop=GetProp(hctl,"href_dat"); if (hprop==NULL) return CallWindowProc(ud.oldproc,hwnd,msg,wParam,lParam); // There has been a lot of faulty discussion in the newsgroups about how to change // the text colour of a static control. Lots of people mess around with the // TRANSPARENT text mode. That is incorrect. The correct solution is here: // (1) Leave the text opaque. This will allow us to re-SetDlgItemText without it looking wrong. // (2) SetBkColor. This background colour will be used underneath each character cell. // (3) return HBRUSH. This background colour will be used where there's no text. SetTextColor(hdc,RGB(0,0,255)); SetBkColor(hdc,GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE)); if (ud.hf==0) { // we use lazy creation of the font. That's so we can see font was currently being used. TEXTMETRIC tm; GetTextMetrics(hdc,&tm); LOGFONT lf; lf.lfHeight=tm.tmHeight; lf.lfWidth=0; lf.lfEscapement=0; lf.lfOrientation=0; lf.lfWeight=tm.tmWeight; lf.lfItalic=tm.tmItalic; lf.lfUnderline=TRUE; lf.lfStrikeOut=tm.tmStruckOut; lf.lfCharSet=tm.tmCharSet; lf.lfOutPrecision=OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS; lf.lfClipPrecision=CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS; lf.lfQuality=DEFAULT_QUALITY; lf.lfPitchAndFamily=tm.tmPitchAndFamily; GetTextFace(hdc,LF_FACESIZE,lf.lfFaceName); ud.hf=CreateFontIndirect(&lf); TUrlData *oud = (TUrlData*)GlobalLock(hglob); oud->hf=ud.hf; GlobalUnlock(hglob); } SelectObject(hdc,ud.hf); // Note: the win32 docs say to return an HBRUSH, typecast as a BOOL. But they // fail to explain how this will work in 64bit windows where an HBRUSH is 64bit. // I have supressed the warnings for now, because I hate them... #pragma warning( push ) #pragma warning( disable: 4311 ) return (BOOL)ud.hb; #pragma warning( pop ) } } return CallWindowProc(ud.oldproc,hwnd,msg,wParam,lParam); }
The code on this page demonstrates the following:
(functions) SetDlgItemUrl, SetProp, GetProp, RemoveProp, GlobalAlloc, GlobalFree, GlobalLock, GlobalUnlock, GetWindowLongPtr, SetWindowLongPtr, ShellExecute, SetTextColor, SetBkColor, GetSysColor
(concepts) subclassing, property, properties, handle, hyperlinks, child controls, 64bit, pointer, warning, hyper-link, URL, shortcut