
The "official" way to calculate the bounding rectangle of an element 'e' is to use offsetLeft, offsetTop and offsetParent:

var x=0, y=0, w=e.offsetWidth, h=e.offsetHeight;
while (e!=null) {x+=e.offsetLeft; y+=e.offsetTop;}

But firefox has two bad bugs in this calculation for TABLE elements:

Firebug also has the same problem:

Here, then, is code that works at least for IE7 and Firefox2 for documents in "standards" mode. It should notionally work on all correct browsers, but I haven't tried it on any others.

I'm typing in some more text to show Pratap.
<body style="background-color:yellow;">
<h1>This is the body</h1>

// Comments
function f(x)
{ return x.match(/^hello/)

// GetBounds(e): this returns, in absolute pixel coordinates,
// the bounding rectangle for element "e"

function GetBounds(e)
  // firefox: it's offsetLeft/offsetTop model is broken for tables that
  // are inline or absolutely positioned with margins. But it
  // supports getBoxObjectFor, which works better:
  if (document.getBoxObjectFor)
  { // just one problem: it gives the wrong answer for the table element of inline tables,
    // but the right answer for TBODY in all circumstances:
    if (e.tagName=='TABLE')
    { for (var i=0; i<e.childNodes.length; i++)
      { if (e.childNodes[i].tagName=='TBODY') {e=e.childNodes[i]; break;}
    var r=document.getBoxObjectFor(e);
    return {'left':r.x, 'top':r.y, 'right':r.x+r.width, 'bottom':r.y+r.height};
  // IE: it's offsetLeft/offsetTop model is correct except in the case
  // of the last text node in a container, But getBoundingClientRect
  // works and is faster:
  if (e.getBoundingClientRect)
  { var r=e.getBoundingClientRect();
    var wx=document.documentElement.scrollLeft, wy=document.documentElement.scrollTop;
    return {'left':r.left+wx, 'top', 'right':r.right+wx, 'bottom':r.bottom+wy};

  // Other browsers: we'll trust and pray that their offsetLeft/offsetTop model is correct
  var x=0, y=0, w=e.offsetWidth, h=e.offsetHeight;
  while (e!=null) {x+=e.offsetLeft; y+=e.offsetTop; e=e.offsetParent;}
  return {'left':x, 'top':y, 'right':x+w, 'bottom':y+h};

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